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Title PCT-PPH between KIPO and the JPO (July 1, 2012)
Writer Admin Date 2013-07-02 Hits 1464
KIPO and JPO agreed at the Commissioners' Meeting held in June 2012 to start a PCT-PPH pilot program on July 1, 2012. Details on requirements and procedures in each office are found in the documents below. 

- PCT-PPH Request to KIPO 
Requirements and procedures for filing a request to KIPO for participation in the PCT-PPH program : English (attached)

- PCT-PPH Request to the JPO 
Requirements and procedures for filing a request to JPO for participation in the PCT-PPH program can be found at the JPO website: http://www.jpo.go.jp/torikumi_e/t_torikumi_e/pph_pct/pct_e.htm
Attached file hwjpo.pdf
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